5 Awesome Twitter Tips

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Hi it’s me Mateo How’s it going? Are you on twitter? If you are let’s connect @mateomedia, if not here are a few tips that can help you get started. Let’s get to it. 

This one is simple that I’m not even including in my 5 Tips. Take time and complete your twitter profile. Be sure to include complete bio information, profile, cover photo and if you are a business indicate what you do and how you can help. Take a look at a few other twitter profiles for inspiration. Don’t worry about getting fancy or over thinking it, but it does have to be complete.  If you are a business you can make the profile picture your logo, but in my opinion make it a personal picture this way twitter followers can put a face with the twitter handle. Twitter also has an option to upload a cover photo go ahead and do this as well.  This information can always be changed and updated later, even your twitter user name.  Be concerned with being complete, not perfect. 

1) Compose a few tweets. 

Twitter has a “This is my first tweet” that can be sent when your account is first set up. Go ahead and send this. Compose 2-3 tweets of your own like “Just setting up my twitter” or “How does all of this work?”. Don’t be afraid, especially if it’s a new twitter account only your followers will see your tweets. If you don’t have any followers nobody will see the tweets anyway except you. Having a few tweets on your timeline will show other twitter users that you are trying to be active and want to be on twitter. 

2) Start following some Twitter Peeps. 

Identify what your goal is for twitter, Fun?, Business? Both? If you are on twitter to grow your business and connect with others start following some twitter accounts of people you want to do business with and connect with.  Take my business for example, Social Media Management and Marketing. I look to follow and network with small businesses, start ups, and crowd funding campaigns. The reason? These are people I want to network with and these are the businesses that need social media and marketing help. If there is a need in the future to use our services or if they might know someone that may need our services we are connected and interact on twitter. I’m always sure to check in with these connections on twitter and offer any marketing and social media advice. Twitter does not have to be all about business. I follow celebrity accounts, local news accounts and sport accounts, my guilty is pleasure account is @TMZ for all of my celebrity news and gossip. ; ) 

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3) Tweet often

It’s up to you on how often to tweet but twitter is not like Facebook.  People on twitter will not always see your tweets in their timeline. Your tweets happen live so if your followers are not scrolling through their timeline when you tweet they will not see it. A follower can go to your twitter account and see what you have been tweeting today, but they will have to search for your account.  It’s a good idea to spread out your tweets throughout the day to reach your followers. There is a lot of back and forth on how much is too many tweets and how often you should tweet. I typically send at least 10 tweets a day that show up in my followers timeline. I will also RT (Re-Tweet) content I find interesting, entertaining, educational or informative that I believe my followers might like as well. Additionally I’m sending direct tweets to new followers to thank them and tweets to followers that I’m interacting with. These tweets do not show up in anyone else’s twitter timeline. If you start a tweet with the @ (twitter name) that tweet will just go to the person you are tweeting to. If you start a tweet with a sentence like “ Hey @ (twitter handle) how are you today?”  this tweet will show up in your timeline as a tweet. Your followers will see this tweet, the twitter user that you mentioned will see this tweet and the twitter followers of the person you @ mentioned will also see this tweet. In some cases you want to do this if you want others to see your tweet and conversation. If you compose 8-10 tweets throughout the day that is providing value to your twitter followers in my opinion that is not too much. Others may disagree, but that is up to your followers to decide. If a follower does not like your tweets they can simply un-follow you. To summarize, if you tweet often and are active you will gain more twitter followers compared to sending a tweet one or twice a week.

4) Twitter Lists

Twitter can get overwhelming quickly once you start following others and others begin to follow you. One easy way to keep track of your twitter followers and who you are following is to create lists. When you follow someone or they follow you can add them to a list. You can create lists on twitter and name the list whatever you want. I have a few lists that identify who the twitter profiles are; such as Arizona Peeps, Potential Leads, Friends/Family, Influencers etc. This is an easy way to keep up with what is happening with your twitter community. Your twitter timeline shows all the tweets of who you are following. This can get overwhelming if you are following a few hundred people or more. Simply add your twitter followers and who you are following to a list to help keep track of who you are following into categories. Once you go to this list on twitter you will see the tweets of that list only. This is a great way to stay up to date with your important connections on twitter, stay in touch with your friends and family or even localize a list to your favorite restaurants on twitter.  Lists can be named whatever you want. These lists can be private or public. 

 5) Thank, RT, and Mention.

When someone follower you on twitter you can send them a tweet thanking them for the connection. ” @______ thank you for following me, looking forward to connecting more” is an example. Re-Tweeting information from your followers or people you are following or tweets you believe your audience will like will gain you more followers. If you come across a tweet you enjoy RT it to your followers. The person that you RT will get a notification that you Re-tweeted them. This is a great way to get an influencer or potential lead to notice you. Mention or include others in your tweets as well. If you send a tweet that you want someone else to notice or possibly see, you can mention them in the tweet by adding  @ (their twitter name) in your tweet. When this happens they will get a notification that you mentioned them on Twitter. Here is an example;   “Hey @mateomedia I think you would like this story on benicemedia.com

There are so many cool things that you can do via twitter to network and grow your business. The above examples are just a few things. What do you do on twitter to network and grow your business?  I would love to know some of your tips. I hope you have an awesome day, and as always feel free to ask me a question or let’s connect online.

Mateo on Twitter

Marketing Tips for 2015

How was your first week of 2015. Do you have some of these tips in your plan for this year?


Social Reach

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What is a Social Reach Campaign? No Money. Just a Social Share! Be Awesome. 

HeadTalker is a new website that allows people to join together in order to help get a positive message heard around the web. Rather than donating money to a campaign or fundraiser, all you have to donate is one Tweet, Facebook post, LinkedIn post, or Tumblr post on a specific day. By having everyone share this positive message at the same time and date, it allows for more people to see it while they are online. This allows for more awareness to be raised by having an organized social media sharing frenzy!
benicemediatwittericon beNICEmedia  can get your #HeadTalker Campaign Started.  We will support yours. Do you have a Crowd Funding Project, Event or Product you want to promote. Leave a comment we would love to help.                                                    Go Viral, why not you!

Start your #HeadTalker Campaign Now

Sharing from Facebook

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Hi there how is everyone doing? Mateo here with some quick social media tips. Do you have more than one social media profile or platform you are sharing and posting content on? How about using automated tools to share content? Are you sharing the same exact content post on several social pages? If you answered yes to any of these questions here are some tips to keep in mind. Each social media platform is different, and the way a post is created and how often you post is going to vary for each social media platform. That perfect Facebook post with a great photo a few brilliant words about the post, and a perfect link or call to action may be great for Facebook, but sharing the same exact content post to Twitter or LinkedIN may look different on the platform. There are several automated scheduling tools that have made social media sharing easier such as bufferapp but even with these tools its important to watch how each content post comes across on your social media platforms.  Facebook content can be shared on Twitter. Instagram can be shared to Twitter but how the content post is created will have to be different for each site. Twitter will be shorter wording of the post maybe even add a photo or link shortener to get the same content message across. Twitter is very fast moving with a lot of content being shared, so posting once a week on Twitter will not work. The content may not even be seen.  On Instagram the post content will have to be a picture or image rather than a link and a description about the content since it’s a photo sharing platform.

It’s very important with social media to be sure content is shared properly on each platform so there is maximum impact from your social media posts. Facebook is the most common and easiest platform we are all familiar with, and it does offer a share to Twitter option when you post on your Facebook page. Have you looked at how that post is shared on Twitter?  In some cases it may not give the same impact you want with the content post. One item to keep in mind as well is if your audience is on Facebook, LinkedINInstagram or Twitter these are different types of connections and platforms. If someone is on Twitter they want to stay on Twitter, they do not want to leave Twitter to go to Facebook to see what the actual picture or post is all about. If your audience loves Google+ then they do not want to leave Google+ to go to Facebook or Twitter to see your content post.  When posting content it’s important the content posted is targeted for the specific audience on the platform. It’s okay to post the same content you want to share on several social media profiles, but the content will have to be shared differently. The length of the post the link, photos, #hashtags, frequency and time. These are several things to keep in mind when posting to different platforms, not all are the same.

Each post you make is a mini advertisement for your business, you want it to come across to have  maximum impact.  Creating content and finding content to share for your business takes time, you might as well make sure you get the most out of each content post. When we print our business cards or create flyers for our business, we take the time to proof read it look it over several times to be sure it looks good and gets our message across. Our Social Media platforms should be treated the same way. We all want more business from our social media pages, but they have to be treated that way. Every post or link is a representation of our business. We would not let a half complete postcard mailed out or business card missing our phone number or e-mail. Just as we treat each customer differently and the way we communicate to them, Social Media works the same way. There are clients that prefer e-mail or text messages over a phone call and we learn to adapt and communicate our message via e-mail or text. Social Media platforms give us the opportunity to communicate, network and deliver our message to previous, current, and future clients. It’s the cheapest most affordable way to network and market our business. When it’s done with the same care we treat our offline business we can easily get our business known by more potential customers. Getting leads and making connections with Social Media is not easy, but when done with the same care as other marketing and communicating it will have a larger impact on your bottom line than all other forms of marketing.

If you have some tips to share or have any questions send me a tweet or leave a comment.

 Much success to you!

Mateo Garcia, President of beNICEmedia

Thanks for reading you’re coolness! benicemedia1@gmail.com

480-386-2122 @mateomedia 

10 Ways to Improve your Content Marketing

by NEIL PATEL on OCTOBER 15, 2014 via Quicksprout.com

content marketing

Looking for ways to improve your content marketing?  Are you wondering what resources you should be reading to boost your content marketing efforts?

I’ve compiled a list of 10 articles you should read that will not only teach you how to improve your content marketing but will also show you how to generate more traffic and sales.

Here it is: 

#1: How to double your traffic through infographics

Although everyone is using infographics these days, they are still powerful at producing results.

At KISSmetrics, we were able to drive over 2 million visitors to our site and generate 41,000 backlinks by creating 47 infographics. That’s not bad, considering we spent $28,200 to produce the graphics.

If you want to learn the exact strategy we used to create these infographics, all you have to do is follow the steps in this article. It will teach you what you need to do to generate 60,000 visitors a year from an infographic:

  • How to Determine the Elements of a Good Infographic
  • How to Come up with Infographic Topics that Actually Work
  • How to Create a Useful and Shareable Infographic
  • How to Get the Infographic Designed
  • How to Distribute Your Infographic
  • How to Test Different Types of Infographics

#2: The advanced guide to content marketing

Content marketing is more than just writing and promoting content. There is a whole process you need to follow if you want to be successful at it.

I’ve created a 30,000-word guide that covers the A to Z of content marketing. It will teach you the following elements of the content marketing process:

  • How to build a strong foundation
  • How to generate content ideas
  • How to plan your content creation strategy
  • How to write content like a pro
  • 12 content writing secrets that you ought to be using
  • Content creation templates
  • How to overcome content roadblocks
  • How to optimize your content for search
  • How to promote your content for traffic and sales
  • How to monetize your content

#3: The complete guide to consumer psychology

Not knowing how your consumers think is a major obstacle to your success in content marketing. If you don’t know what makes your readers tick, you won’t be able to cater to them with your content creation and promotion efforts.

To help you understand how your customers think, I’ve created a25,000-word guide on consumer psychology.

Here’s what you’ll learn by reading it:

  • The mind of today’s customers
  • The power of emotions
  • The psychology of online consumption
  • How colors affect decisions
  • Small psychological tactics that deliver big results
  • The psychology of pricing
  • How to avoid friction

#4: How to create viral content

I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago that broke down the steps I took toincrease my blog traffic by 206%.

Through data and examples, I showed you the process I use to find and create content that will get shared.

So, if you want to grow your blog traffic, read the second section within that article. It discusses data points such as:

  • Social shares versus content length
  • How to generate ideas that will get shared
  • Quick tools you can use to help you generate ideas
  • How Upworthy exploded in its growth
  • Headline templates you can use
  • The number of social buttons you should place on your blog

#5: Skyscraper technique

Brian Dean wrote a great article on how he increased his search traffic by 110% in 14 days by using one simple technique… the skyscraper strategy.

In essence, it teaches you:

  • How to find link-worthy content
  • How to make it even better
  • How to find people to link to it

A good example of this is his article on Google’s 200 ranking factors. In the article, Brian describes in depth each element Google looks at when determining how to rank a website.

Because Brian was able to create the most extensive list, when he did his outreach to build links, it was a slam-dunk. Bloggers were more than happy to link to him because the content was that good.

#6: What analyzing 100 million articles taught us

The beautiful part about online marketing is it gives you access to a ton of data. With the data, you can quickly figure out what works for others and how to replicate it for your own business.

Buzzsumo’s team published an article detailing the findings from their analysis of 100 million articles.

For example, they learned that:

  • Having at least one image per post doubles the number of social shares a post gets.
  • Having Facebook thumbnails for articles increases Facebook shares by roughly 3x.
  • Having a Twitter thumbnail doubles Twitter shares.
  • The emotion to appeal to is “awe.”
  • Infographics and list posts are the two most commonly shared types of articles.

And it doesn’t stop there… Read the article to learn all of their findings.

#7: The differences between B2B and B2C content marketing

Writing content for businesses is different from writing content for consumers. I’ve created a 37-point checklist that breaks down the differences. It also teaches what you need to do in order to appeal to both audiences.

Some of the key points to keep in mind when writing for consumers are:

  • Don’t forget the emotional crack – consumers have a shorter attention span than business readers do. That’s why you need consumer content to be edgier and shorter.
  • Be trendy – if you want your content to gain a lot of traffic, look at trends. Trendier content does better than evergreen content in the consumer world.
  • Timing is everything – you should try to break stories. Use Google Trends and Twitter to stay on top of the latest conversations.

On the flip side, when writing for businesses:

  • Always use data – stats and accuracy are important in the business world. Use data to back everything up.
  • Give them more – offering ebooks and PDFs at the end of each post is a great way to build a loyal audience and collect emails.
  • Use stats within your headlines – headlines that contain data usually get shared more often.

To get a complete list of differences between B2B and B2C content marketing, read the full article.

#8: Emotions that make marketing campaigns go viral

The Harvard Business Review wrote a great article on how emotions can make campaigns go viral. Marketing is expensive. If you can make your content go viral, you’ll get more ROI from it.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:

  • How to create a viral coefficient greater than 1.
  • How to tie your brand to an emotional message.
  • How to tie your content to the public good.

If you take one thing away from the article, let it be how to create a viral coefficient greater than 1. Without that, your content won’t be going viral.

#9: How to measure your content’s performance

Everything in marketing needs to be profitable. If it isn’t, you can only do it for so long. You don’t have to have a direct profit, but as long as you know there is indirect ROI, you’re fine.

The Content Marketing Institute broke down 6 ways you can measure the performance of your content marketing. They aren’t just looking at direct ROI. They also show you how to measure indirect ROI.

These measurement techniques will teach you how to:

  • Track brand awareness
  • Find out what content pieces are driving the most referral traffic
  • Use social shares to gauge how much people like your content
  • Assess post performance on LinkedIn
  • Assess post performance on Twitter

By using analytics and data, you’ll be able to create content that people want to read and share versus content that doesn’t drive sales.

#10: How to get your fans to create and share content

Creating content is time-consuming and expensive. But what if I told you that you can get your fans to not only create content for you but also to promote it.

I’ve created an infographic that breaks down how to do that. Here are the four techniques I go over:

  • Trust – without your fans’ trust, you won’t get user-generated content.
  • Reach – how user-generated content can help you get more reach.
  • SEO – the more content you have, the more search traffic you’ll receive.
  • Labor savings – how getting fans to create content will save you money.


I know it’s a lot of reading, but if you read the 10 articles I talked about above, you’ll generate more traffic and sales.

If you only have time to read one of the articles, check out #1 as it will help you generate visitors quickly, even if you don’t have an audience. That’s how I grew the KISSmetrics blog. The strategy works for almost any industry.

So, in what other ways can you improve your content marketing?

Social Media is about being Social, Engaging and Responding

If you don’t have the time to really be engaged and interact with your fans, followers and subscribers, let’s connect and work together.

benicemedia1@gmail.com 480-386-2122

Get more organic Likes on your Facebook Page?

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