Marketing basics for your business

4 marketing pillars

Hi there how is everyone doing? I received an e-mail from a friend of mine the other day who is an Artist. He asked me about getting more visitors to his website and just wanted some quick advice to get his business going. Below is the e-mail I sent him. It helped him, and hopefully it will help you too! I almost forgot check out some of his work HERE

Hey there here are a few tips and some tools that I use for my business. There are 4 basic Marketing Tasks that are a must.

Database, Social Media, E-mail, Website/Blog

I’m not sure what you are doing right now for your business so I apologize if you already do some of these things, but if you don’t hopefully this will help.


I use a free site for my List/Database These are people who know me and may work with me, have worked with me before or have inquired with me in the past. I look for new people to add to my database daily. These are people that may buy from you or tell someone to buy from you. It’s important to stay in touch. If you don’t have a contact list or database start making one now. Add me to your contact list. You can go through your contacts in your e-mail and cell phone and probably come up with a good size contact list. Use your e-mail address book to organize these at first. You can then export them to a CSV format to upload into MailChimp.  Mailchimp is free if you have under 2000 contacts. You can use Mailchimp to create e-mail newsletters, campaigns and events to send to these contacts. You can always send a few of these contacts a touch base e-mail first to be sure they want to be on your contact list!

Social Media

You have to be on all of the social media platforms and have a presence. I spend time following others and searching for other people who may be interested in what I do follow them and like some of their stuff and they will follow back. Remember social media is more about being social with others and not selling them anything. Take some time each week to connect with other artists people who have purchased your work before, local galleries. Whoever you think your audience is or other social media accounts that your audience follows. I see that you are selling the Equality Stickers.  Post a couple tweets with pics of the stickers with a link to your website. Then on twitter search for example the #hashtag #lovewins then follow all the accounts that have tweeted this. A big amount of people will follow back and who knows maybe a couple more visits to your site.

“Doing this one time is no guarantee that it will automatically get a bunch of sales, but this is a strategy that you can do when you have time”


Start building a contact/database and send these people an e-mail at least once a month. It could be some new art you created a special, holiday e-mail, or a blog post checking in. It doesn’t have to be spammy it could just be some cool info. Use Mailchimp to send this. It will keep track of who opened, who unsubscribed, and who viewed the e-mails. It’s pretty cool.

Blog on Website

The same e-mail you put together to send to your contact list can be posted as a blog on your website.


It’s cool to post recycled content in my opinion on Social Media. So if you have a few popular posts from a couple months ago. Post them again. Bufferapp helps with this. You can load some post into bufferapp to go out at a later time. You can also post other peoples content, not as your own, but if there is an artist you like or some cool pic that you think others will like share and post some of that stuff to. As a business you want to buy brain cells on social so if your social media profiles are always posting cool shit original, curated, and others then they will check out your profile and see what you do and hopefully go to your website too!
A Cool Viral App free to use. Check out it out. Its a cool Social Reach Campaign to get more visitors to your website. Start a campaign and I will help get it supported.

Ok man I think I took up to much of your time. There are so many things that can be done, but these are a few that I focus on. If I can ever help with anything or offer any advice let me know.



Twitter is for Real

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Hi there. How’s it going? As I have been speaking with businesses and sales professionals about social media and all the different platforms, I’ve come to find out that Twitter is one of the most misunderstood and avoided social media avenues out there.  I’ve heard things such as “people on Twitter are fake, there are not any real people on Twitter, my business works with adults not kids.” There have been others who do not even take me seriously anytime Twitter is mentioned for business and have told me to leave. I get it, I understand. Anything that is different is avoided and doing what you have always done is easier. It’s just hard to ignore the facts regarding Twitter as a Social Media Platform. With 271 million monthly active users, 500 million Tweets are sent per day, and 78% of Twitter active users are on mobile. You personally may not be on Twitter, or your business, but your customers are. They are using Twitter daily with the device we all carry around every day, our mobile phones. As a business we are looking for a way to get more business, build lifelong relationships, and find the best way to be noticed. Believe it or not Twitter can do this for your business on a local level, and identify customers who may be looking for your product or service.  Here are 5 tips that you can begin using immediately to start building your Twitter Account and stop ignoring this as a real way to connect with potential clients and build your business.

1)     First of all if you don’t have an account, sign up. Spend some time completing your profile, add information about your business, and include your picture. No one follows an Egg on Twitter.

2)     Follow others. Twitter requires you to follow a few accounts to begin. Do this, once you do you will start getting a few followers as well.

3)     Twitter has a search option just like Google, Bing or Yahoo.  Search some keywords related to your business. If you are here in Arizona, like I am, try Arizona, Tempe, Phoenix or whatever your local market may be.  Once you do this you will see Tweets, and people who have mentioned the search item either in their profile or a tweet they sent. Check out the tweets, look at their profile, is this someone you may want to follow? If so, go for it. Most likely they will check out your profile and follow back. 

4)     Send some Tweets. Twitter limits each tweet to 140 characters. It’s not like Facebook, LinkedIN, or Google + where you can write a novel and the entire post shows up on your page. You can include images or links that can be clicked where the user can see your entire message or more information about your business. If your business is focusing on a particular area, product or service be sure to include a keyword relating to that product or service in your Tweet. When you do this, other Twitter users can find you and know your tweets relate to something they may be interested in as well. They may even follow you back.

5)     Invest some time. Even if it’s a few minutes a day on Twitter, this is a great way to learn how it works and see what other businesses are doing with their Twitter Account. Follow these businesses. Duplicate what they are doing.  Every major brand and business you can think of is on Twitter. Follow what they are doing, you can use Twitter to build your brand and audience on a local level with real people.

This is just a brief start to using Twitter, but if you are on other social media platforms, Twitter needs to be included. There are endless opportunities to grow your network on Twitter. ReTweet others, respond directly via @ a follower, or with a direct message. Create a #hashtag related to your business. Twitter lets you create lists of your favorite accounts you are following, or even better a list of leads just like your e-mail list or database. Find local customers in your area already tweeting and discussing the product or service you offer. Making relationships with other professionals across the country and build a referral network. Twitter has millions of users that may be your next client or buyer of your product. Why ignore these people? 

If you are interested in learning more and adding Twitter as a real avenue to build relationships, engage with your clients and grow your business. Contact me or better yet send me a Tweet @mateomedia  

Social Media is about being Social, Engaging and Responding

If you don’t have the time to really be engaged and interact with your fans, followers and subscribers, let’s connect and work together. 480-386-2122